Jaw Pain

At Jawmatrix, your treatment plan will always be paired with evidence-backed research and the latest advancements in technology.

Is jaw pain impacting your life? At JawMatrix, we can provide jaw pain and TMD treatment in Burbank, CA, to ease your discomfort and improve your quality of life. If you’re struggling with pain and discomfort and haven’t been able to alleviate your symptoms, then know that at our clinic, we specialize in a chiropractic-dental approach that looks at your pain from all points and works with your body’s muscular function to treat it.

Understanding jaw pain: Its symptoms and causes

Pain and tenderness in the jaw are just the first warning signs of an untreated problem with your jawline. Over time, jaw pain can progress into worsening symptoms that can leave you struggling to eat and speak properly. Some symptoms commonly associated with jaw pain include:

  • Pain along the temporomandibular joints
  • Aching pain in and around your ear
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty chewing or experiencing pain while chewing
  • Restricted jaw movement
  • Chronic headaches
  • Sleep disorders
  • Neck ache and back pain
  • Aching facial pain
  • Locking of the temporomandibular joint
  • Clicking noises while chewing and speaking

Most jaw pain can be caused by injuries to the jawline or some form of birth abnormality, but other factors can also lead to jaw pain. Some causes of jaw pain include:

  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorder: Trauma to the joint area, misaligned bites, arthritis conditions, daytime clenching, and other underlying conditions can easily lead to TMD or temporomandibular joint disorder. This condition’s usually caused by a combination of causes, all of which can easily contribute to muscle tightness and stiffness throughout the jaw.
  • Tooth Pain: In other cases, tooth infections and cavities can cause jaw pain. In these cases, the tooth would either need to have a root canal or extraction to remove the infection. In these cases, our team will refer you to the appropriate dentist, depending on your condition.
  • Bruxism/Daytime Clenching: Clenching and grinding throughout the day or when your sleep can also contribute to jaw pain. When this habit forms, it can also lead to TMD and cause strain along the jaw muscles.
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia: As a chronic pain condition, this nerve disorder affects the trigeminal nerve along the jawline. As one of the most widely distributed nerves throughout the head, it causes neuropathic pain that requires constant management and treatment to prevent symptoms.
  • Sinus Problems: Some sinus problems can also lead to jaw pain, including allergies and sinus infections.
  • Cluster Headaches/Migraines: Cluster headaches can also lead to jaw pain, as these conditions are often connected to the muscles and nerves throughout the neck and jawline.

How can jaw pain be treated at JawMatrix?

Depending on the underlying cause of your disorder, both Dr. Gulesserian and Dr. Pezeshkian have over 40 years of combined patient care to help address your concern with jaw pain. To accomplish this, our office contains 3D imaging, Cone Beam Computed Tomography, sonar technology, and the latest modalities to address your concerns and build your treatment plan from start to finish. We work with the latest technology to ensure that patients receive only the best from their treatments to help alleviate jaw pain for good.

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